the beauty of time is that it goes on and it stops for none.
the beauty of life is that it sneaks up on u n startles u when u least expect it,
the beauty of love is that its sometimes over rated and sometimes underrated,
the beauty of true friendship is that it is timeless...
Time.the moment when ur heart skips a beat, the moment when u r literally ecstatic, the moment when time stops, and the moments when nothing else matters, that is the moment..... when u realize that this moment will never come back...
and u just want to savour it and not let it go, as much as u want to hold on to it, and save it and enjoy it...u r gripped with the fear that "i dont want to let go it"...but u do. like evrything in life....that moment goes away too.
life. startles u and shakes u up and makes u want to die at tyms. but at the same time makes u want to live forever.
love. u either grow out of it, or get used to it, or simply fall deeper in it. u love things, and u love people, and u love and love, is it really love? or u r too used to something...or sum1? mayb u r OCDish seriusly what is love?
friendship. sometimes easy to let go. sometimes too hard to let go. ur support system. ur way escape for u.