Thursday 9 June 2011

"I KNOW YOU"....

The thing with knowing someone is that you know, sure. BUT do you really?
i mean sometimes i just wonder do i really know someone? or i know only what that person wants me to know. how do u really know someone?
we cant deny the possibilty, which is btw alot, of manipulation here or can we?
its an overstatement according to me. i have people who know me. but they know what i tell them. those who are close know more since they have spent more time or observed, but thats about how far it goes.

at the end of the day, i know myself. and you know urself. and here id say PERIOD!

Friday 15 April 2011

let your own light shine!

   “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?'
Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us.
 And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Used by Nelson Mandela in his 1994 inaugural speech.

Monday 11 April 2011

4 things!

the beauty of time is that it goes on and it stops for none.
the beauty of life is that it sneaks up on u n startles u when u least expect it,
the beauty of love is that its sometimes over rated and sometimes underrated,
the beauty of true friendship is that it is timeless...

Time.the moment when ur heart skips a beat, the moment when u r literally ecstatic, the moment when time stops, and the moments when nothing else matters, that is the moment..... when u realize that this moment will never come back...
and u just want to savour it and not let it go, as much as u want to hold on to it, and save it and enjoy it...u r gripped with the fear that "i dont want to let go it"...but u do. like evrything in life....that moment goes away too.

life. startles u and shakes u up and makes u want to die at tyms. but at the same time makes u want to live forever.

love. u either grow out of it, or get used to it, or simply fall deeper in it. u love things, and u love people, and u love and love, is it really love? or u r too used to something...or sum1? mayb u r OCDish seriusly what is love?

friendship. sometimes easy to let go. sometimes too hard to let go. ur support system. ur way escape for u.

Sunday 3 April 2011

drowning in the numbness of nothingness!

Just when u think life is beautiful n everythn is workin out just the way u want it to n it culdnt have been better,
life comes n says "bhooo gottcha!" and u find urself standing amidst a hurricane of things, tht r happenin so fast u cnt even imagine to catch up.

i really want to know wht makes it happen? and i really want to know does life ever remain monotonous? i ws under the impression some ppl jus live ordinary lives with no happnings n simple things... i guess with time im realizing thts not the case.

with age, v do becum mature, but v also become more sensitive. v grow stronger only for the world to c, but deep inside we r vulnerable kids.

sitting in ths dark corner wth my jasmine tea, i recollect life and i find it to b nothing less thn a million little pieces of a mirror, and i realize im not me anymore, i dnt recognize the person that i was.

and yet again i find myself falling into the numbness of nothingness. is it the fear of losing everything? or the hurt of betrayal? or sheer exhaustion? as i know it a bitch!

Monday 7 March 2011

Day 3

Ever wondered what will happen to your name when u die? what will you leave behind? whatever you do leave behind, will it be kept the way you wldve kept it? yes everyone wonders that. i do too...

but reality check comes in and slaps u right in your face!
i had the honor of visiting the great Lahore fort yesterday . what amazed me was how incapable our country is at preserving and maintaining  its heritage! its applaudable..seriously.

suppose.. that you are a billionaire! no seriously. you spend billions of rupees to build a place where you live with such elegance and sophistication that its unimaginable! and you build it with love and get the best of things...the most expensive things on the planet. and then you die!

you just leave it behind for your family and they leave it behind for their family and then it goes public... for everyone to see the beauty and grace and exceptional architecture!

what happens next is that....people dont give a damn! they just scribble on ur expensive walls made out of mosaics...they break your walls, they throw juice cartons and toffee wrappers in your fountains!
what would u feel like? honestly if i were you...i would come out of my grave and stab them!

that is how shah jehan feels! seriously.

i was disgusted by how little people cared for their heritage and how our goverment officials take budgets and fills up their pockets!
Another very interesting thing i witnessed was that there was a gurdwara of sikhs and a mosque behind it. It made me wonder that in those days people lived normally.
 i mean the muslims prayed the sikhs went to their gurdwara. there were no fights, no bomb blasts, no craziness....peace!
today, we have the height of intolerance! muslims cant live peacefully among themselves talk about other religions!
those who are tolerant and normal are pushed to the back by those who have no regard for other religions. we have a situation here. we need to address it. how?

Saturday 5 March 2011

Day1 (part2)

the thing about people is  that they do not give a damn about anything but themselves! its a wierd world where all one can think about is how will i get this thing done? or how will my life be affected by this person and his/her actions? or simply how farther i can go?

they will do anything and everything to step on ur shoulders, even face and go up... its not rocket science. i mean doesnt everyone think that? everyone is self centered and as narcistic as i am. but the question here really is how far can anyone go?far enough to hurt anyone that is even remotely related? or far enough to actually reach a point where nothing matters?

sitting with a cup of deliciously smooth and warm choclate macademia i reached to the conclusion that there comes a phase in life where nothing matters. where you can effortlessly block things out.
where everything seems to bore you,  u loose interest in everything....thats the point where another question arises....what comes next? you have successfully achieved the point of no concern, if i may say, then what do u do next? sit there totally spaced out? what comes next is the question!!!


This is the day i commit to writing for myself, about myself and by myself!!!
as much as it sounds narcistic it is true and yes narcissistically awesum !

i have reached the point where im ACTUALLY looking for solace on the internet!!! i mean how wierd can life be for a person like me, for whom using the internet is only limited to activities on facebook, random tweeting, and a few emails.

Life as we know it, is simply my way of blogging about the things that are thought provoking for me and i spend my days and nights thinking about those things. for example... why would blair all of a sudden fall for dan? and y the hell doesnt elaina go for damon and leave the other salvatore? or why would alexander be gay?or y wldnt this cute guy jus give in to my lady charms? and y wldnt lame people leave me alone? or why cant i maintain a social life?
i will soon post more..let me think....!!!